Friday, April 23, 2010

Stand for Me

I went to work today - got downtown and caught the light rail right back home. I'm sick and I am going to let myself be sick today because I want to be better tomorrow. Woke up at two in the morning, but thought I'd give it a shot and the shot just didn't work out. Anyways..

I have been pondering the wonderful words of my new posting friend Livvy - words that I shared with you yesterday - and in doing so, God has spoken to my heart. The time for me to give up on my stand is not at this time, but now is the time for something else for me to do. I need to stand for me. I am, after all a valuable, precious commodity. I am a relentless woman of Christ. One who stands for something. For the right in this world rather than the wrong. Yes, I need to stand for me and I need to let things happen as God would want them to happen and not get hurt or worry or sad because GOD IS IN CONTROL!

I acknowledged just last week that I really realized I have given my life to the Lord. Just this week, God has worked through me in some amazing ways. But no, now is not the time for me to quit standing, just a time for me to stand for me. I will tell you the truth in that I came to this acknowledgement even before I got home from work yesterday, I think it was on a bus ride home and when I got home, faced with the normalcy of what I knew was there, I had a certain peace when I got in the house and I think, just maybe it showed because I stood for me and for one of the first times in a long time, my husband actually seemed like he cared about what mattered to me.

But, don't worry, I know the the adage - Expectation of man is breeding grounds for disappointment. Expectation of God is breeding grounds for miracles. I myself and going for the miracle.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you Dianne. You are valuable and precious to the Lord. Sometimes it takes us believing that and acting that way for others around to notice too! My thoughts and prayers are with you.
