Thursday, April 15, 2010

Bambi and Ramblings

Ephesians 4:29 Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. This – to me is the bible’s version of Bambi’s “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”. I must be honest and say that I have lived this wording my whole life. My mouth is constantly governed by that and Bambi has helped form my life to being that of a person who really does not say much bad about anybody. Now that I am a Christian, I say to my daughter – who is almost 15 and could stand to remember Bambi herself, “Is that edifying?” Well, anyways, let’s make the world a better place by keeping it edifying.

One of the wonderful things about God is that he has made each and every one of us with our own gifts and talents. One of my gifts is that of love. I truly love people. I used to think that I would have been a great realtor because in every home, I could find something to love and to sell a buyer on. I can do the same and better with people. It is so absolutely rare that I ever come across a person that I don’t like and when I do, it drives me crazy. I love all of you and I really do love from the bottom of my heart.

However, how could we ever think that “there should be more people like me” when if you think about it. In a world full of Dianne Rene’e’s, things would be so messed up. My gosh, yes, we’d all love one another, but who would be in charge? The flowers would be beautiful, the food great, but who would be standing up and being strong and leading? No, that would not be good, so isn’t it wonderful that we all are different and build each other up to what we are supposed to be.

I have been remarking since yesterday that when we first become Christians, we are told to give up our lives for God. Give up my life! How scary is that and what does that mean anyways. Well, for me, giving up my life has meant to give up my fears, my sins, my desires and to let all of me be molded into what God wants me to be. I am not afraid anymore because although it is my life that I could lose, I will be ok because no matter what I lose, I have lost nothing because it wasn't mine to lose anyway. By losing ourselves in Christ, we have truly found ourselves. Praise God for Bambi, personal gifts and giving ourselves away. Through all of this, we end up knowing whose we are. Hallelujah!

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