Saturday, April 16, 2011

Great Opportunity

I think that some of the best lessons we get to teach others is when we are caught off guard and get the opportunity to let who and whose we are just shine through naturally. Yesterday I got such an opportunity with my daughter.

I had taken an exam for a position in Napa, one which I failed. Not being a quitter (and the fact that I had already applied to take the same exam here in Sacramento in my current Department) I took the same exam about 6 weeks ago. Both exams were in the form of an interview and I knew going into the second exam that I had just failed the Napa exam. Having heard the news that I failed the first exam within 4 days via mail. I was told in the second exam that it would be 4 - 6 weeks for news to come of how I did.

Yesterday - as I was taking my daughter to turn in her paperwork for her first ever job, she grabbed the mail and brought it into the car with us. I saw the envelope. Upon seeing the envelope, I immediately grabbed it and prayed telling God that I knew that whatever was in that envelope was His will and I was ok with whatever news it held. I opened the envelope and began crying and praising God upon reading the words "Congratulations, you have successfully...." I thanked Him greatly and explained to my daughter that this could make a huge difference in our life if I could get a job that I could now apply for with the passing of the test.

I was thinking as she was in taking care of her business for her job that my reaction to the news was probably in God's plan for her to see Christianity and trust in the Lord first hand. I wasn't kidding as I prayed over that unopened envelope, and the tears of gratitude were not made up by any means, even taking me somewhat by surprise. I saw her at one point look at me more nicely than her normal look. It was cool.

Anyways, I am thanking God again for her having had the opportunity to see a bit of the real me, something that is growing every day. My trust and my faith. No matter what, I know that He has something in store for me. A God who understands that right now, I am thanking Him for the opportunity to have a break from her as she is in Phoenix visiting my son for spring break. I laughed at myself last night as I was walking back to my car in the airport parking lot. I caught myself on about the third stanza of singing "I'm free." Yes, God is good as are breaks from your kids.

Today I ask you to join me in prayer that we remember how blessed we are, no matter what the contents of unopened envelopes hold. That we thank God when we see he is getting through to us and that He is starting to shine through us for others to see.


Monday, April 11, 2011


Hey you guys - this is my new task, I am here to advertise Groupon to you. I'm cool with this assignment because I have actually used Groupon. Around Christmas time there was an offer for $30 worth of product at Leatherby's for $15.00. I purchased - I think two of the Groupon coupons and made a stocking stuffer out of it for my daughter. I combined the coupons with an Entertainment Book coupon for Leatherby's as well and don't you just know that my daughter took my mom there and they had such a nice lunch date.

I have seen offers for bowling, miniature golf, massages, etc - all for a really discounted price. The deal is is that because so many of us will buy the product they can offer these group prices, therefore the name - Groupon. I truly recommend keeping your eye out for these daily deals. I have it hooked up where I receive and email every day that tells me what the offer of the day is. That is where you need to act quickly - they truly are offers of the day and go away in a day.

Take a peek, it's easy, all you have to do is click on the picture where it says click here. They will only send you one advertisement a day and they are worth it. I have gone in with a friend and purchased a dim sum Groupon coupon and have wanted to do the same for many other deals. Check it out - heck, all you girlfriends of mine, if you see a neat deal that you and I might enjoy together, call me!

God is great!


Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Happy Birthday to this blog, Happy Birthday to this blog....

My goodness, how time flies and how great is our God!!! I think back to where I was one year ago today and I am so grateful to God for how He has turned me around. I started writing this blog to help others who might be going through similar situations as I was. My hope was to help just one person, at least one person. I asked this from God. Little did I know that the person I was helping was ME!!!

I am so grateful to be who I am and who I am still becoming. In this past year, so much has changed, the best part of the change that has occurred is that I know for certain where I want my life headed and the best way that I should be living it. In this past year, I have (many times through trial and error) begun to find my way.

I thank God first, I thank those of you who helped me through (don't leave me now as I am so far from done) and I thank myself for hanging in there, even when I didn't think I could. I look forward to what the next year brings - hopefully you will be right there with me.

Today I ask you to join me in prayer that God still continues to shine his light of literacy on me as well as that the areas I see him growing in me will begin to branch out and really make a difference in the lives of others. I think I know where he is leading me and I want to be ready and able to follow His desire for my life.

Blessings to all of you.


Friday, April 1, 2011

Something Good Is Happening

I have decided something that I am going to tell very few people about, but I already feel the blessing of God in my decision. I know what I have decided is God's will in my life and that I am finally getting it and I am finally in a place that I can do what He wants me to. I know it isn't going to be easy to stay. I know that times will come when I will want to waiver and possibly even fall short of what I am supposed to do, but I am ready. Something good is going to happen I just know it, it already is. I am going to get better and stronger in my walk with God and my daughter is going to be so blessed because of my decision. Hee hee, I love that girl. I got a gift card to Berean for my "Celebration of Life" and went yesterday and came home with "The Power of a Praying Parent". I raced in the door and said to my girl - you are the luckiest kid in the world. I already pray for you in all you are, but now I am going to learn new ways to do the job even better! Do you know the power of a teenage blank stare. HA HA - didn't phase me. I was still excited and will remain so and am on chapter two. Anyways, something good is happening in my life - right in the midst of the nothing that is already going on. I don't really know what it is yet, but I am more focused on the fact that Jesus is coming and I am doing all I can to be ready for that day. Today join me in prayer that we - if we know what we are knowing, stand up and do what we believe in. That we thank God for speaking to hearts. Hallelujah!