Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Leah and Hanging On

Yesterday after getting home from work, I called for my cat Leah and she did not come (she is an indoor only cat). Being as I was rushing to get to Zumba, I didn’t stress on this fact. However, after arriving home from Zumba class and calling for and looking for Leah all over, it took me about 3 minutes for tears to be running down my face straight from my heart. It hit me in those short, quick moments all the things I have lost and been forced to leave behind. Anger hit me as well as my other cat recently disappeared and my husband has been saying that Leah will soon go the same way as Molly did. Molly’s disappearance was explainable as she was an indoor/outdoor cat, but Leah is always in. It hit me in those moments how after having lost so much, I was hanging on to Leah, one of the very few things that I have left to hang on to. Well, I introduced you to Leah before and that was because I had prayed for Leah when I was being brought to a point of having to get rid of her and how God answered my prayers. Well, in the midst of my tears after searching, I sat down to pray and asked God to help me find her. It was right when I was done praying that my daughter from her room said “why are you crying, Leah’s right there.” There was Leah coming lazily and sleepily from a really well hidden spot in my closet. Well, upon seeing Leah, I cried even harder as I grabbed her up.

This time I cried because God heard my prayer for this cat again and I was praising Him for answered prayer. I cried because I was happy. I just plain cried. Maybe I was crying in the first place because I needed to, because really now, crying over a cat is just not my style.

After I was done crying, I reflected on how God loves me so much that he answers my prayers about this dumb, fat cat. A cat I would never have picked if given a choice. Actually, Leah is nothing I would ever want. She is a female cat and I would always pick a male. She is a long hair and I think every day about shaving her, not caring at all what she would look like because that’s not why I like her anyways, but I don’t like pets with hair, the balder the better.

If God loves me enough to let me hang on this stupid cat, just think what he is doing in things in my life that really matter. Maybe God is keeping this cat around for me because maybe she is something he wants me to hang on to. I know for a fact that nobody else really likes her except for me so maybe there is a reason for Leah being in my life. She, in her nothingness, makes my heart smile, no matter what the circumstances around me are; I always can smile when I squish my Leah and she howls and screams. I can always smile when her fat self races to get to where I am going just to be under my feet and bother me.

So my prayer request today is that we all have a Leah. Something that makes our hearts smile no matter what. Although we really aren’t supposed to give much care to things of this world, maybe God wants us to have just one thing that we do really care about, no matter what else we lose. I truly wish that my husband were my Leah, but right now, God seems to want me to have her. So I pray that we all have that one thing that matters to us of this world. One thing that God blesses for us and keeps around, just for us. Hallelujah!

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