Monday, October 11, 2010

A New Creation in Christ

Today has been a day of awareness, something that started coming to me over this past weekend. Funny, I knew during this past two weeks, which were kind of like a valley - that if I just hung in there, that if I just stayed in God's will, something good was going to come out of it, and it did.

I have a fellow blogger that is just a bit ahead of me in the healing game and there are times that she carries me through, and possibly, I help her as well by helping her to realize how far she has come. That's all fine and dandy to realize how far we've come by measurements of friends, or of their observations, but how amazing is it when God speaks to your heart and brings to light all that He has done for you. I am standing here to tell you that it almost always brings me to tears as well as fills me with an awe that I can't even explain.

My Life Advisor has informed me that I no longer need to see him, that I have met all of my goals. In the way that we said goodbye, it made me think back to where we started. God brought to light all of the changes in me. I am stronger. My heart is light and free and is no longer a weight that hurts 24/7. Now when I cry, I am crying - usually in awe of him, sometimes out of life's pressures, but not daily and not because of the hurt I feel over the way I or my daughter are being treated. I have real friends that care about me and I am learning to care about others as well in healthy ways and I am forming healthy relationships. I am learning that life is fun and can be fun without living in sin or going the way of the world. God is showing me that I am a new creation in Christ and I am grateful.

Today I ask you to join me in prayer that more and more people will begin to let go of everything they've known and get to a place where they go the way of the Lord and find themselves to be people that they never thought they could be, always knowing there is still so much work to be done, but so very grateful that they are not where they used to be.


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