Saturday, September 25, 2010

Chains are Broken...

Shame has fallen, all my fears are gone! You know, I am so amazed at what God is doing in mine and my daughter's life. I feel so awed at the wonders He is bestowing upon us.

I just had the most blessed evening and an evening I have not experienced in probably 17 years. Thank you K, D and J, this was a blessed time for me. When you don't know how good something is, you don't know what you are missing, but I know now how wonderful it is to have a group of wonderful women around me, minus alcohol or drugs and I would know what I was missing if I didn't get the chance to do this again. My gosh, we women are hilarious and fun. What a blast and I don't really even know what made it so wonderful. Thank you Father, I am grateful.

The whole ride home that song just kept replaying in my head how the chains that held me down in my life are peeling away one at a time. I just love how God is giving me the opportunity to feel joy. Hey, I guess it is true that the joy of the Lord is my strength.

Today I got to watch my daughter play soccer for the first time in her life without someone being mad at her or pushing her to do more and play harder. Maybe that push was good for her for a moment, but what a joy to watch her shine so brightly on that field to where the other parents were saying, wow that girl is good, and have that girl get into my car happy and not upset and with someone who yelled at her the whole way home or told her how she should have done better. What a joy it was to let her go to a quince party tonight and pick her up and see her so happy.

What a wonderful Saturday, one of the first of many. And to think, for this past year, my Saturdays were the worst day of the week for me. The chains on that are not just broken, they are gone.

Today I ask you to join with me in prayer for us to all have the opportunity to experience Saturdays shared with loved ones or friends that simply make our hearts smile. After all, if our hearts are smiling, aren't we better able to help others in need. I think so.


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