Sunday, January 9, 2011

Experiencing the Spirit

My church had it's kickoff to our 21 days of prayer, fasting and devotions with our Experiencing the Spirit service this evening. My God how I love my church and the people in it. I watched our pastor annoint each and every person there with oil and prayed for each of them as he did so and I just remarked how I care so much for the people in my church - even if I didn't know their names. They are my family and I believe that just about every person there would reach out to help my daughter and I if we had a need and I know that we would do the same for them.

I am so excited for this next 21 days. I have chosen to do a Daniel Fast and spent the better part of this day in preparation for it by cooking beans, shopping (I even bought vegetables that I will force myself to eat which is a biggie) and just really spending some time pondering what I am hoping to happen in this next 21 days. I just feel as if God is going to do something great for me personally and for my church as a whole. Being as I don't lie to you I have to tell you something.

I have been really struggling with John 14:13-14 lately. It just seems like every time I turn around this last few months, I am hearing these two verses. "And I will do whatever you ask in my name so that the son will bring glory to the Father. You may ask me for anything in my name and I will do it." I really have only been asking one thing from God and that has been to restore my husband to him so that my marriage will be restored. Every time I hear a pastor saying these verses - and it seems to be frequent lately, I get more confused. Is God talking to me telling me to hang in there? Is Satan messing with me just trying to say look what He says and it's not coming true. I DON'T KNOW!! I am so messed up with these two verses.

Therefore, it is my fervent prayer through this fast that I be an open vessel to hear God's voice and to understand what He means in my case when He states this promise to me. This fast couldn't come at a better time for me. I need to focus on God right now. In light of some stuff I have been going through, most of it my own fault, I need to focus. I think I am going to be able to, with God's help, make this fast. My kidney infection is healed now and I am back at my Insanity program and have started running again in preparation for my half marathon in March. Combine these factors with the daily devotionals and the healthy eating. I am going to be such a clean vessel for God to speak to and through. I just can't wait to be used by Him and for Him to show me more of what He wants for me. Who knows, maybe He'll explain those verses in John to me. All I know right now is that I hope to spend some more time experiencing His spirit.

Today, join me in prayer for all the churches and the people that are partaking in this 21 day experience that we all find our more about God's will in our lives, our churches and our communities.


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