Friday, September 17, 2010

There is so much good in this world if you look

Oh my gosh, what a joyful morning I had today. My daughter was raised more by my STBX than myself as I have always worked full time since she was 6 weeks old and he was home quite a bit more with her than I was. For me it comes as no suprise that her tempermant is more like his than mine. This morning, I was being me and she was being herself and it was HILARIOUS in my household with the dog right there in the middle of us squeaking his squeaky toy running over to the cat who just had to hiss at him. I could not stop laughing as my daughter tried not to smile, but couldn't help herself. Praise the Lord for simple pleasures!

I went to go get a new mirror put on my car to fix the mess I made when I backed out and forgot about the ground to ceiling pylon to the left of me and ran into a young man, Omar, I knew when he was a child. He is 26 now and it was such a blessing to see how well he is doing. Graduated from college, active in his catholic church with the Knights of Columbus and preparing to enter a master's program. More than that though, he man shined at when he remembered me. I shined as well. I always enjoyed Omar and his 2 brothers coming over to visit and hang out with my 3 boys.

His father was a good friend of my STBX from alcoholics anonymous for many years, my husband had been alcohol free for 22 years prior to going back to drinking 3 years ago. When speaking to Omar it was so neat in that when he asked me about life, I was able to testify to being a Christian and it was at that time that he told me of how he had gotten away from church for a short period, but has been active in his faith for the past year and 1/2 and never wants to stray from it again. Seeing him after this morning just made me forget about the past week of feeling badly and regaining my feet. I thought it was so cute that Omar told me - and told me again, if I ever needed anything like car repairs to please call him. I look forward to getting together with him and his family for some good old mexican cooking. Maybe some pozole - it always warms the heart as well as the belly.

Yes, there is so much good in this world if you just look for it. It doesn't require money or anything fancy, it just requires being available to enjoy it.

Today join me in prayer for the simple things in life. Laughter with a kid who doesn't want to smile but can't help themself. Running into someone you knew as a child who is making it in this world and is trying to make the world a better place. Praise the Lord for the joy of the Lord that comes at the most unexpected time.


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