Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hanging in there and getting nicer

Doing the best I can, praising God all the way. Sunday is the big day and I am as ready as I will ever be. Was accused yesterday of "messing around" if you get my drift. Praise God that is false. Do you know how good it feels to be completely in the will of God - except for the smoking thing. It feels so good.

I remarked at myself yesterday that as I said this darling girl at work was darling I meant it. I mean that my heart is pure towards almost everybody I meet, even the ugly people (and I mean spiritually ugly). I have pretty much learned to zip my lips when it comes to those not so nice people and if something does slip out, I repent instantly. I watch my mouth constantly on purpose. It's amazing how when you work at yourself, you change. Your first thoughts are usually nice ones and if you have bad ones, you remember to try to come up with something nice about that person.

I am learning to like me. I'm actually ok, not perfect, but much better than I used to be.

Today I ask you to join me in prayer that we can all check ourselves and try to lift those around us up trying never to tear anybody down. The world will be a much better place.


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