Wednesday, July 7, 2010

God Really Does Still Do Miracles

A few months ago a woman who had retired for the company I work for approached me and told me that she wanted to refer me for her position and would I submit an application and a resume for this position. Well, I had wanted to apply when the position came available in December, but being as I only started with the company in November, I didn't apply thinking I was too new as well as the fact that I was only starting in an entry level position. Her position was that of Executive Assistant to the Director of the Department of Mental Health. Well, I submitted the application and resume and was emailed yesterday that the director and she wanted to see me at 2 pm. Of course I went, (praising God all morning that I was dressed in a decent manner).

I showed up at 2, walked in and after the general hello's, etc, the Director stated that he would like to place me in the position, would I be ok with that. Of course, the answer is yes and then I was told that I would start tomorrow, which was today. Oh my gosh! He told me that if I had to do a formal interview, then we would do that down the line, but the job was mine nonetheless. Another Oh my gosh!

My heart soared at what God placed in my hands and still is. For the last year I have been saying over and over to myself that He WILL restore the years the locusts have stolen, He DOES have plans to prosper and not harm me. God showed me a miracle yesterday and all I can sing today is "Lord I'm amazed by you." This job is such an increase in level that I can support my daughter on my own with no outside reliance on my husband for child support. I only need to rely on myself and my God to provide for us.

Can you believe this though. In spite of the awe I feel at what he has done, for this just does not happen in this day and age. This is purely of God. I feel a twinge of fear and sadness at the fact that he is saying to truly let go of my marriage for now and to truly go out on my own. All day I have been feeling a little off, but at the same time, I have been telling God, "Lord, I trust you with all I am and for you to have done this miracle in my life, I trust you even more." Never the less, I still feel a twinge of sadness, but now, maybe, just maybe, my husband will - since he will be on his own as well, he will turn his life back to God and to the man that I know God sees in him, the one I see as well, but the one that is so hidden by the sins of his world.

Anyways, God does do miracles. I am living proof. I feel so very blessed and grateful and when asked today by somebody who knew the jump that was given to me how I got the job I replied "Only by the grace of God and by that of his miracle in my life."

Hallelujah! God is so great!


  1. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So great! God is SO GOOD!
